As Mr. Sullivan talks, the students and alumni of Philosophy listen. Photo by Nicole Lamb.
By Nicole Lamb
Philosophy Club is run by Mr. Sullivan, one of the teachers at Hopkinton High School that teach the Psychology courses. Since Psychology classes are not really available to students until senior year, Philosophy Club provides an enjoyable outlet for students in all grades that are looking for this sort of atmosphere. Meetings are filled with intriguing discussions about morals, what is right, what is wrong, religion and many other very open-minded topics. Everyone is welcome to attend, no matter what grade they are in or if they are a teacher or a student, Philosophy club is open to everyone.
The club was created 5 years ago, according to Mr. Sullivan, the club’s creator, and it has been “great from the start†and continues to be just as or even more successful each year. When Mr. Sullivan first began the club in Hopkinton High School, he, “didn’t know if people would want to [participate in the club] here.†However, 25 students showed up to very first meeting and a steady flow of students have been coming to each meeting since.
The most important part of Philosophy Club is the environment it has that is made possible by the very respectful students that attend and the eagerness everyone has to get started with the weekly discussion. Mr. Sullivan says, “no matter what we talk about, no matter how many people, it’s a very accepting environment.†This is probably the main reason why the club is so successful because discussions can be about any topic and no one ever gets frustrated or dismissive of others.  The students are allowed to speak if they choose to or they can just as comfortably sit and listen to the others voice their opinions on the current subject. The people who come, “like it and want to be there,†even though the club meets on Friday afternoons. With these students and their rush of topics comes an “infectious energy.†The numerous snacks provided by Mr. Sullivan help draw in the crowds, too.
The topics for each week’s meeting are usually picked by Mr. Sullivan. A favorite area of discussion for Mr. Sullivan, “has always been moral dilemmas and moral philosophy.†It always proves to be a very interesting subject; the inquiries about what is right and what is wrong. Then again, all of the topics are extremely intriguing. Philosophy Club is accommodating for all students, and even teachers, who want to talk about the intense questions that this club and the world has to offer.