AP Psychology Vs. Introduction to Psychology

AP Psychology is one of the most in-demand AP courses in Hopkinton High School. With over a hundred and eighty students enrolled in this course, it is no wonder why the school created two other classes, Time to Think and Introduction to Psychology, in order to enable students to learn about Psychology. But there are flaws in this particular system, because if a student enrolls in Introduction to Psychology in their high school career, they are unable to apply for AP Psychology in senior year.

Brendan Hemenway became a victim of this system when he was told he was unable to join AP Psychology this year. He was under the impression that if he took introductory to psychology, that he would have a better understanding of the topic as a whole.

Senior Brendan Hemenway

“I felt the class was a bit underwhelming but I stuck it out to be able to understand it for the AP [psychology] course. I expected the class to cover more topics than it did, but I was able to get an understanding of psychology,” Hemenway said.

It does not mean that Intro to Psychology should be dropped as a course, but that people shouldn’t be penalized for taking the extra course. Caraline Carrazza is an example, as she was able to take Time to Think as well as taking AP Psychology this year.

Time to Think is a course taught by Mr. Sullivan, an AP Psychology teacher. The course is similar to Intro to Psychology but the only difference is that students are able to take AP psychology in the upcoming year if they choose.

“It really helped me understand what people were thinking and what was going on around me as well as preparing me for psychology,” Carrazza said.

“Taking the course this year has been easier since I’ve already gotten used to the quizzes and tests,” Carrazza added. “Also I already know most of the terms so I am able to get the concepts easier.”

There is one student named Sam McAuliffe who has taken AP courses throughout his high school career and believes that Intro to Psychology isn’t even beneficial for the learning of the course but should be an option for students who learn things over a period of time.

“You are not supposed to take Intro to psychology and AP Psychology is because there is a lot of overlap in the terms as well as the concepts but I have never taken Intro to Psych.” said McAuiffe.

Senior Sam McAuliffe

Many students believe that there should be more information about these courses in order to enable the students to make the choice for themselves. But overall, that every student should be able to take the class that they want and not have to be penalized for the lack of information given.