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Echoes of the Past, Ripples in the Present: The Tedstone Family

Brendan Tedstone is a life-long Hopkinton resident who has been involved with the Fire Department, Department of Public Works and the Selectboard over the years.
Brendan Tedstone is a life-long Hopkinton resident who has been involved with the Fire Department, Department of Public Works and the Selectboard over the years.
Maci Ober

Hopkinton is not just a dot on the map for the Tedstone family; it is home to seven generations of memories, legacies, and deep connections to the community.

The ties of the family-run deep, leading back to the days of World War II. Many long-standing members of the community still remember the Terry Farm, located on what is now the present-day site of the high school, athletic fields, and the Hopkinton Center for the Arts.

Brendan Tedstone is the sixth generation to call Hopkinton home. He resides in town with his wife and two children who attend Hopkinton Public Schools. Through the years, he has seen the town evolve and holds his family history close to his heart.

“My mom’s maiden name was Terry and my grandmother’s maiden name was Pyne so those were two pretty big players in Hopkinton as far as locals. The building that is now the Hopkinton Cultural Arts Center was where my mother grew up. The High School and surrounding area are where my uncle sold 107 acres of land to the town to build the schools. That land used to be a working dairy and meat farm,” said Tedstone.

During the war when times were hard, the Terry Farm would provide produce like eggs, meat, and milk to those struggling in the community even if they did not have the money to pay.

“Back then, Hopkinton was a town where everyone helped each other. There was no jealousy, it was just a blue-collar town that helped everybody.”

The Terry family sold their farmland to the town in 1995, stipulating that the original farmhouse could not be torn down. The barn that was once their family home still stands today and is one of the main buildings that make up the HCA facilities.

The present-day HCA sits on the land that was once the Terry Farm.

Kelly Grill is the Executive Director of the Hopkinton Center for the Arts. Her job has allowed her to witness how tight-knit of a community Hopkinton truly is through watching different generations come together to celebrate and connect.

“I think there are many people in town who love to see buildings like this still standing. It connects us to our history. We tried to preserve the look and feel of the farmhouse and barn. It is a snapshot into the past of how it once looked,” said Grill.

The HCA holds memories that span across generations. Grill feels to protect Hopkinton’s identity, embracing historical landmarks helps to connect the past to the present.

“We sing, dance, and laugh together while celebrating all the things that matter most. Family, friends, and our community. If we did not preserve the building the memories of what Hopkinton used to be would only be found in old photographs and eventually forgotten. We are honored to be the steward of a small piece of the history of this property. We hope to be so for a long time to come.”

To Brendan, leaving Hopkinton never crossed his mind. From an early age, he knew this town was his home and it was in his blood to continue the legacy.

“We were here when it was a blue-collar town and are fortunate enough to stay now that it is a white-collar town. We can stay here and be a senior historian to others. I get called all the time by people who want to ask me questions about the history of our community,” said Tedstone.

Driven by the desire to protect and ensure the integrity of Hopkinton, Tedstone decided to run for Selectman. The experience he gained through his time living in Hopkinton made him a source of knowledge and a loyal member of the community. He credits his fellow Board members, saying everyone’s contributions made a difference.

“We did everything as a board. One of the things that I am most proud of that we got passed was giving tax breaks as well as water and sewer abatements to the seniors in town who could not afford the sky-high prices. We set parameters to make it so they did not have to pay much of a water or sewer bill to decrease their taxes. We also did this for gold-star families, which are families whose child was killed in war.”

Tedstone’s campaign sign from 2016 displays his promise to serve “For Our Community”

Brian Herr is a long-time friend and partner of Brendan who worked with him on the Selectboard. There is a mutual appreciation that Tedstone and Herr have for one another and the knowledge that they could each bring to the table.

“As a lifelong resident of Hopkinton, Brendan brought an important perspective to the board. Hopkinton had been growing at a rapid pace for years. Brendan’s knowledge of the town helped me and others on the board understand the history of the community and its values while we debated the many issues before us” explained Herr.

Tedstone’s ties to the community allowed him to be successful in this position, never losing sight of the values that have stood the test of time within the community.

“Brendan’s unique perspective added depth to our debates and helped us craft policies that respected the history of our town while we grappled with the many pressures new growth created,” said Herr.

Although Brendan’s time on the Selectboard has come to an end, above all, he is most grateful for the friendships and connections that he has made in the community.

“Living in Hopkinton has given me lifelong friendships. My best friend who grew up right next door to me to this day is still my very close friend. My lifelong friends are my true lifelong friends and I thank Hopkinton for that.”

This sentiment is echoed by Ella, Brendan’s daughter, who cherishes the relationships she has formed through growing up in town.

Ella Tedstone wearing her dad’s campaign shirt with the message, “Born Here – Raised Here – Serves Here”

“I am friends with the kids of the friends that my dad had growing up and I think having those connections is really unique. It is a full-circle moment and it is funny how people associate me with the name Tedstone. When I walk into school on the first day, my teachers say “Oh, you’re another Tedstone?” and I say “Yes I am!”

While Brendan hoped his daughter would carry on the legacy in town, she has other plans.

“I feel like bigger opportunities are waiting for me outside of town, but I am grateful for the time that I have spent here,” explained Ella.

Hopkinton and the Tedstones are tightly intertwined, as the family strives to preserve its history and to also be involved in the development of its future.

“Everyone who is associated with the Tedstone name has nothing but good things to say about Hopkinton. We are all really proud to be a part of the history here.”

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