Have you ever seen a tinier habit?

A review of the new Tiny Habits EP

This past April, local band Tiny Habits released their first EP, Tiny Things. The band is a trio from Berklee College of Music that found their soft, acoustic sound while dorming and jamming together.

With a few original songs and a repertoire of covers, the band found its wings by opening for more established artists such as Eloise, Lizzy McAlpine, and Gracie Abrams. Their trick to getting noticed by these artists was utilizing social media, like Instagram and TikTok, to showcase their new takes on old songs.

In fact, one of their most popular covers found its place on the EP. The cover of Fleetwood Mac’s Landslide adds room for more voices so that each member of the trio gets their own Stevie Nicks moment. The choruses include more layers of harmonies so the song can become a shared story.

Tiny Habits is not purely a cover band, however, and the EP includes five original songs to accompany the Landslide cover. A few of the songs may sound familiar, as they were previously released as singles.

As a whole, the EP does what any good EP should do, it tells a story. Tiny Things is a story of love, loss, grief, and growth. The final track, Some Things I’ve Learned, caps off the EP by showcasing the maturity that the artists have found through the experiences in each prior song.

The title track, Tiny Things, is the first song and also happens to be my least favorite of the bunch. Overall I did like the EP, but this one song fell short for me.

What turned me off was the backing beat and syncopation of the lyrics to that beat. I recognize the need to branch out and try something a little different from their classic guitar style, but this instance felt too forced.

On the other hand, my favorite song was Hemenway. It fits in with the band’s style perfectly and succeeded because that’s something they know how to do.

The song’s namesake is a street in Boston. Being from the Boston area, the lyrics really touched home. Relating to music is an important part of enjoying it, so for me, it was a beautiful song that I can sing along with and find meaning in the lyrics.

I encourage you to listen to the EP and find your own personal favorite, something that you can relate to. Don’t make the mistake of thinking Tiny Habits is just another bundle of acoustic guitars and soft voices. They may be tiny, but they are mighty, and their voices have more power than you might realize at first.