How do Hopkinton Families Celebrate Thanksgiving?


Photo by Zeetz Jones from California, USA, via Wikimedia Commons

Families all have their own traditions for celebrating Thanksgiving, but the pandemic has altered a lot of those traditions. Here are how the families of five Hopkinton High students plan to celebrate Thanksgiving.

Actually, my family doesn’t really celebrate Thanksgiving. But, I feel like it’s more of a day to just celebrate what you’re thankful for. Like, whatever that means to you.

And so my cousins are coming over and I think I’m just gonna spend the day with my family, being restful.

I’m gonna have some food. I don’t think it’s gonna be traditional Thanksgiving food, but it’s all about just being there with your family and being together.

So in previous years, we didn’t really do a lot to celebrate Thanksgiving. But this year, we are making our own Thanksgiving dinner, which is really exciting since my family’s never had a Thanksgiving before. So we’re really excited.

We are going to host a party with our other friends and family.

So are you planning on having traditional Thanksgiving food?

A mix. We’re going to have traditional Thanksgiving food. But we’re also going to have some, you know, Indian food because my family has Indian heritage.

My family, we’re going to New York on the weekend with some of our family friends. I’m leaving on Friday. We’re gonna go have a couple days to just visit the city.

We’re staying home, just going to watch a show.