By Dana Gogolin
Hopkinton High School’s Peer Leaders group has been preparing for their annual Mix It Up Day, taking place on Friday, November 2nd, where students are encouraged to sit with new people at lunch in order to promote tolerance and the crossing of social divisions in the cafeteria.
“Sitting with new people for one day out of the year and sharing your ideas and interests broadens your perspective and lets you meet people you might otherwise not have,†said senior Allison Monaghan.
Mix It Up Day has been a Peer Leaders tradition for years though many students have reported that the event has not been too successful in the past despite it’s good intentions.
“In the past, students have been timid and have tended to sit with their friends anyways,†said junior Autumn Kramer.
The club has been working towards a solution to this problem as well as others at their weekly meetings. The club officers have decided to put more guidelines in place so that students have an idea of what they should be doing.
“Over the past couple of years I have been a part of this group, people just entered the cafeteria normally and sat wherever they wanted to,†said Peer Leaders President senior Brian Doyle, “There were not any guidelines imposed.”
“This year everyone will receive a card with a quote and colored lifesaver attached to signify a table to sit at,†shared Doyle, “Many more people will participate this way.”
Each table also will have a number of conversation starters in order to ease some of the anxiety associated with meeting new people.
As a further incentive to branch out, the group is offering a variety of prizes for people who partake in the campaign.
“Members of the group and I will be walking around during all three lunches to see if people are really mixing it up,†said Peer Leaders advisor Stacey Place, “Those who are will get their name put into a drawing for prizes.”
Prizes will include “B+†shirts, Hopkinton lanyards, water bottles, and Dunkin’ Donuts gift cards.
“We have done the raffle in the past and it has been one of the more successful aspects of the day. Students want to sit at another table for the prizes, and in doing so, they learn about new people,†said Doyle.
Additionally, the club has chosen to hold Mix It Up Day on the national date this year rather than a randomly chosen one.
“We believe that the students will feel more connected to the messages if the event is held on the National Mix It Up Day,†says sophomore Peer Leaders member Caitlin Wilson.
Wilson was a part of the group last year as well and thinks, like many other returning members, that this upcoming Mix It Up Day will be much more successful than in prior years due to the changes.
“In terms of participation, I think that people will be much more open to sitting with new people if everyone else is,†said Wilson.
Peer Leaders is looking forward to Mix It Up Day. The group is optimistic and ready to see people venture outside of their comfort zones.