A Time Of Uncertainty and Worrying: COVID-19’s Effects on Justin Mak
This is me in my bedroom during the COVID-19 outbreak.
On March 17, Governor Charlie Baker ordered schools close for three weeks but later extended the shutdown until early May. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed my life by disrupting my daily school schedule by forcing social distancing and introducing a period of worrying and confusion.
My life before COVID-19 was attending school, clubs, and doing homework. I have kept the same routine since freshman year, but with COVID-19, my school and sleep schedule have become irregular.
COVID-19 had made me about my family in China and with my AP exams and the regional competition for robotics approaching, I felt stressed.
But now that pandemic forced social-distancing and the school to shut down, I feel lost.
All the preparation for the regional and world robotics competition went to waste as both were canceled.
Watching the news of people ravaging stores and attacking Asian people in public areas made me feel hopeless.
My parents scrambled to get my sister, who was in California for college, back home safely. With all this panic, I felt more worried about the safety of my family than ever.
All I can hope for is the pandemic to stop.