Will There Be A Return Of School Dances?
School dances have been a hallmark tradition among high schools since the days when most of the teachers at Hopkinton High School were in school. And although it is a tradition, it is one that the class of 2018 has had to go without since 2015, when school dances at HHS were stopped. Contrary to common belief, the students were very understanding of the school’s ban of school dances back in 2015.
Prom committee head Zoe Komodromos said, “I completely understand why school dances were banned in

the first place, but the classes that got those dances banned have all graduated from the high school.”
The class of 2018 had one school dance freshman year, and since then have only had prom. The extremely positive feedback of the students’ behavior last year at prom is all the more reason that students are ready for the return of school dances.
“Last year our prom went phenomenally, and there were no mishaps or inappropriate behavior. So I think our class can absolutely handle school dances, along with the rest of the school,” Komodromos said.
Another argument being made for the return of school dances is that it is a much safer alternative to other nightlife activities.
Senior Sydney Olsen said,

“I think that having dances is a good way to bring kids in rather than them going out on Friday nights and doing bad stuff. We can keep dances appropriate by making them formal dances or other themes.”
The classes of 2019, 2020, and 2021 are yet to experience any school dances, and most of them will have to wait until their junior prom.
Junior Ciara Johnson said, “As students, we deal with a lot of stress in school, lots of homework, tests, and finals, and I think school dances are a great break for us and a chance for us to hang out.”
Johnson was able to attend prom as a sophomore last year, and she had very positive feedback as well.
“Prom was really fun because I met a lot of juniors that I have become very good friends with now. So I think it’s a great opportunity for freshmen and sophomores to meet upperclassman,” Johnson said.
While most of the student body do not have the solution to appropriating school dances, there are certainly strong opinions of students would like to see a return of school dances. All these opinions aside, it does not seem very realistic that school dances will return.
Student council Zack Sisitsky thinks, “It will be an uphill battle, many schools in the area have taken away dances for various reasons. It would be an uphill battle to get them back, and the nature of them would be very different than they were in the past.”
The idea of school dances returning has floated around for a while, yet at this point, a return seems unlikely.