A hush falls over room A313 as Liza Lyons rushes in moments before the bell rings. A whirlwind of grace and poise, she carries bags filled with papers that weigh nearly as much as her. She pulls the pencil out of her hair, letting it fall down around her shoulders. The Frozen lunchbox that she sets on her desk is the only indication that she has a child at home. “Allons-y, mes amis,†commands Lyons. Her students sit up taller in their seats, knowing that class has officially begun.
Lyons has been helping children learn French since she was a teenager living in Vermont. “Teaching French seemed like the natural thing to do,†she says.

After attending University of Vermont for an undergraduate degree, she received her Master’s from Middlebury College while studying in Paris. She began teaching at HHS in 2011.
“I am really lucky that she [Lyons] has been my colleague these past four years, but more importantly my friend †says HHS Foreign Language teacher Erica Wetterlow. “Her passion for the French language and culture is so obvious when she teaches.â€
Lyons is not only dedicated to her work; she is also dedicated to her family. Lyons is currently raising a young daughter, along with some cats and dogs. Lyons has owned her dog Gypsy for many years, and recently adopted a puppy named Huxton. “Trying to find success in being a teacher and a mother is the most challenging thing I have ever done,†says Lyons.
Her students appreciate and admire her hard work and dedication. Senior Megan Clark is currently enrolled in AP French, a very rigorous Foreign Language course offered at HHS. “Madame is one of the most hardworking teachers I’ve ever met. I have no idea how she balances everything that she has going on in her life,†says Clark.
Lyons’ passion towards her work and her family are inspiring. She is an essential member of the HHS Foreign Language department.