Surveying Students: Current Favorite Apps

Members of the HHS community share answers to the question “What is your Favorite App?”
Nick Ludorf, junior, says “I am a big fan of twitter because I like to check on what my friends are saying and I like to think of myself as pretty witty so I’ll occasionally say something on there that my friend will tell me is pretty funny. It really keeps you in the loop with both social circles and what’s going on in the rest of the world. Whenever I’m bored I’ll go on my phone and scroll through the feed and see what’s going on.”
Kendall Hoyt, junior, says “My favorite app is Instagram because I like to share my pictures, I like to see whats going on in other peoples lives and follow people who have similar interests in me. I would recommend this app to everyone because with what your interest in, you can find people to follow who have the same interests and make friends that way. I check it at least every two hours to be honest.. not while I am sleeping of course!”
Jacqui Barnes, junior, says “My favorite app is Songza because I like to listen to music and be able to listen to playlists on my iPhone. Its a really great app because there are different playlists for every mood so no matter what you are feeling theres a playlist for it. I would recommend it to other people because I think its really helpful for when you don’t know what music to listen to.”