By Kayla Sullivan

Despite the end of the Hiller Boys Basketball team falling in the state semis, WBZ-TVs Kate Merrill profiled junior Barrett Hanlon on the local CBS affiliate. The tragic loss of his father late last year proved a rallying call for the team’s deep run in the tourney and inspiration for Hanlon who dedicated the season in memory of his father.
In addition to being a key member of this year’s successful basketball squad, Hanlon was recently named student of the month. The nomination and process is completed by teachers. According to Kirsten Gleason, an HHS adjustment counselor and award coordinator, teachers could “nominate a student who has shown improvement academically, behaviorally, emotionally etcetera or a student who is consistently kind to others. [Teachers] could also nominate a student who did a really nice thing for someone else selflessly or someone who has shown a new side of themselves.”
Hanlon received this award because a nominating teacher cited him as “one of the kindest and hardest working students in Hopkinton.  He is modest and selfless despite his many successes.  As one of the leaders of the boys varsity basketball team, Barrett also volunteers a great deal of his time to help with the Special Olympics. This has been a particularly difficult year for Barrett, as his father passed away suddenly in November, yet he has shown strength and handled everything with poise, maturity, and dignity.”