By Mike Ronan
Spirit week at Hopkinton High School is a way for Hopkinton students to show off their school spirit and hopefully be voted for Homecoming King or Queen. There was Pajama Day, Superhero Day, and Tie Dye Day. However, the majority of HHS students did not participate in spirit week, and some HHS students think that the students who won the king and queen titles did not fully participate in spirit week.  Students were asked if they actively participated in spirit week, and if they think spirit week is a good way to choose homecoming king and queen.

“Yeah, I participated and was a part of the school spirit. I think it is a phenomenal way to choose the king and queen because it obviously isn’t a popularity contest. The person with the most spirit should be named the winner,” said Andrew Surman, a senior at HHS.

“Yes of course I did, who doesn’t? However, I do not believe the results are reflective of who is the most active participant. I wish we could reward our classmates who are the most spirited and not reward the funniest and most popular students,” stated Ashely Gorham, another senior at HHS.

“Yes, I participated in spirit week. I participated every day except super hero day. I think spirit week is a great way to choose the king and queen. It’s fun and a great time for every one to get out and see whose the most spirited in the school,” said Brian Henise, a junior at HHS.