The Coop – A Love Letter to Chicken Wings

    The Coop -  A Love Letter to Chicken Wings

    The Coop is like a love letter to chicken wings. Their chicken is cooked with such attention to detail, that it feels as though even the sauces that coat the restaurant’s wings are measured out and applied with care. 

    Don’t get me wrong, these wings are as messy as any wings worth their salt, but The Coop manages to find the balance between saucy flavor and satisfying texture, unlike any wings I’ve tried before.

    When ordering wings, be sure to request the bone-in option. This option ensures that every bite gets its equal share of flavor and crispy skin. Going boneless often means there are bites of chicken from the center without the delicious outside crust

    The interior of The Coop is both cozy and crisp. Upon entering the restaurant the massive hand-drawn chalk mural on the wall, depicting a chicken and cow in boxing gloves and ready to brawl, pulls eyes in its direction. The space comes together in a way that gives it a subtle and lovable Southern charm, like an ode to the saloons and bars that served chicken wings in the past.

    Although I have been singing the praises of the sauce-drenched chicken wings that hold center stage on The Coop menu, I would like to take a moment to appreciate the brown sugar chipotle dry rub.

    If you’re tired of good old-fashioned BBQ wings, or spicy but tangy Buffalo wings, the the brown sugar chipotle dry rub might be exactly what you need to fall back in love with chicken wings.

    I never would have thought that sugar and chicken wings would ever be served to me on the same plate, but the dry rub is a combination of sweet, savory, and salty flavors, both exciting and surprising with every bite.

    I highly recommend grabbing an unwaveringly committed friend who won’t judge you for getting your hands dirty and making a mess with these saucy chicken wings. The Coop’s fresh take on both saucy and dry rub flavors is a pallet cleanser for wing lovers everywhere.

    The restaurant excels in balancing every aspect of a wing to create appetizingly punchy and crisp servings for every customer and I, for one, cannot wait to go back.

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