Review of Star Wars: A new Hope


Teens who grew up in the early 2000s had a steady stream of books and movies featuring a dystopian universe and the teenager who must fight against the systematic oppression. We were the generation who ready The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, The Giver, and so many more. But our generation was hardly the first who created movies along the same lines. In 1977, a revolutionary movie made its way to the big screen, where it created revenue of 775.5 Million dollars over time and earned its title as a classic. The first movie of the original trilogy, Star Wars: A New Hope, has since branched off and created television shows, comic books, and even theme parks. Some might believe this to be overkill, but the movie does deserve all of the recognition and praise it can get, even nearly 45 years after its initial release.

The movie follows the story of a young boy named Luke Skywalker, who goes from being his uncle’s helper on their family farm, to join the resistance against the dictatorial style government forming in the universe known as The Republic. With the help of a Jedi Master, Luke begins to learn the ways of the Force, which is the energy surrounding all life that Jedi have the ability to manipulate. Luke gains the trust of a few well-known characters along the way: Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and Han Solo, as well as two droids names R2D2 and C-3PO. Together, the team works with the resistance to help take down the emperor’s main captain and leader, Darth Vader. The movie ends with a final fight against the Republic and the Resistance in an attempt to destroy the Republic’s most powerful weapon: The Death Star.

Being made in 1977, the animations were spectacular for the time, although they seem fake when compared to today’s standards. And ignoring a few scenes of awkwardness, the overall acting of the movie was well delivered and made the scenes come to life. Overall, I had very few problems with the movie. However, the movie was truly tied together with the soundtrack. The same soundtrack has since been used in every movie that the Star Wars universe has produced, and people who have yet to see the movie can recognize the songs within a few notes. The music was originally conducted by John Williams and played by the London Symphony Orchestra, yet has been duplicated and replayed by bands and orchestras all over the world. Overall, I would rate this movie 10 out of 10 lightsabers. If you have yet to see the movie, I would highly recommend.