HHS Press • November 21, 2019 • https://hhspress.org/11260/news/inside-the-pre-rehearsals-for-the-drama-club/
Inside the Pre-Rehearsals for the Drama Club
The Director of the show, Valerie gives the cast notes about the previous rehearsal. At this time, the cast is sitting in the audience. On occasion Mr. Brody, the music director or Mrs. Kirshy, the costume director gives notes too.
Ben Morey-Beale, Staff Reporter
The HHS Drama club is going through final rehearsals for their musical The Pirates of Penzance which opens this Thursday, November 21st. HHS Press reporter Ben Morey-Beale documented what occurs leading up to one of performance’s rehearsals.
Senior Caitlin Davan eats her pre-rehearsal snack of BBQ chips while watching the pit orchestra set up. This is a common activity for the actors to do so that they have full energy when performing.
Senior Rebecca Gallant sets up the music stands and chairs for the pit orchestra. Most crew members and actors have to do this. Depending on how long setup takes, it can strongly influence when rehearsal starts.Junior Tony Weissinger contributes to moving chairs (from band class that takes place in the auditorium) off of the stage so that the actors have plenty of room to perform. Like pit orchestra setup, the pace at which chairs are taken off the stage determines how soon rehearsal starts.Junior Dylan Morin makes sure his newly adjusted costume fits. Mrs. Kirshy tends to make last minute adjustments to the costumes just to make sure everything is right. If it fits, it’s a success, if not, Mrs. Kirshy sticks a few safety pins in it for the time being and makes official adjustments to the costume later on.Stage Manager Heather Sivo sets the stage with homemade props which included rocks, stairs, and plants. While Heather is doing this, the rest of the crew is either helping Sivo setup props, work on stage lighting, or fixing/building set pieces.At this time most actors are in costume. Jessica Franchock, Natalie Beck, and Bailey Marlowe (left to right) are on stage reviewing their choreography.Places have been called, Lights are dimmed, Spotlights have centered, and rehearsal has started!